Monday, October 24, 2011

True confessions!

OK, sometimes it's the amazing frames that stop me. I used to live in Sausalito Ca. There was a frame shop just down the street. I had several of Dad's black and white photos framed. It used to cost me my paycheck! I'm sure you're been there too!
This Paris print is colorful and fun but wow what a frame.I'm sure that's why it was $14.99. That's a large price for Goodwill!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Latest Score!

Last Sunday I dropped in at the GCF at New Hope Church and 401.It seems off the beaten track but my church is close by.
I bought this table for $29.00. It's great looking. I still can't decide if I'll sell it.Watch Craigslist.It may just appear this week!